Monday, January 6, 2014

Baby's Third Month

Yes, Roc is now three months old and every day more alert, more aware, more fun. He is taking less naps and loves interacting with people. It's fabulous that he has such a healthy social appetite but it requires a lot of energy to keep up. He's gotten into the habit of fall asleep while being carried but today I successfully got him down without being held—and it felt great! Little by little, day by day.
His three months old obligatory photo
In his second month of life, he took his first international flight and handled it remarkably well. He slept through most of it and we didn't have any major blowouts or anything so we felt more relaxed. When we arrived to the States, he experienced his first Christmas which was really fun for us all.
first Christmas with my mom
My mom prepared for our arrival by purchasing everything the baby would need for a month at her home: crib, bassinet, car seat, stroller, changing pad, blankets, baby bath tub, and loads of clothes. Most of these items she found heavily discounted at a consignment store which makes it even better. Having all these things on hand made traveling much easier since we were able to travel with less.

It took us some time to adjust to the time difference but my mom has not wasted a minute in teaching him how to rollover and crawl. He's getting stronger by the day and really enjoying tummy time now.  He can hold his head up quite high and he is having so much fun looking around. He really can't wait to be able to move on his own.
look at this strong guy
This little guy is really growing quickly. He has mostly grown out of three month clothes—that happened almost a month ago—and we are trying to keep up. I'll need to weigh him to see how much weight he gained this month; he's sleeping now so I'm quickly scribbling down this post before it's too late. Here's a few more photos to enjoy:

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