Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Half of Year with Wendell Roc!

As of April 5th, Roc is six months old! It is hard to believe we are halfway around the sun with this little man. Time really flies.

This was one of our most exciting months in terms of his development. He started rolling over from back-to-front. He had been mostly there for a long time and he finally made it over. Now we really have to watch it. We can't leave him on the middle of the bed any more because he will just roll himself off and that is no fun. He enjoys rolling over and he just rolls himself away. It's quite cute how he is relishing in his new accomplishment.

This month we moved into our new home which means he finally has his own room where he can keep his clothes and toys, where we can change his diaper and where he can... sleep. We bought him an over-sized crib that can convert into a toddler bed when he is older and started using it right away. No more sleeping in mommy's and daddy's room, in our bed. When we moved him, we decided to sleep train him at the same time. It made sense. We decided to first to train him to sleep through the night. Once he had that accomplished, we would train him to fall asleep on his own. I will post in more detail about what we did so I will leave it brief here. In any case, we did achieve this goal and I'm feeling so much more rested now (however, our travels to Israel did change this status - more on that later).
Happy to be in his new crib.

Since he started sitting on his own, we decided it was time to start with solids. We gave him a couple of things to try the last two weeks of the month, to get him used to new tastes but he wasn't that in to it. He didn't like banana or apple but was okay with pear and kiwi. We will just have to keep at it. I know I will have to get more systematic as we go on. It's very cool to watch him react to the food, the textures and tastes and learn what to do with it. Babies really have to learn so much and they handle it so well.

Spending time with family

We celebrated his six month by visiting the Mansion of Bahjí and the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh. What a blessing! It is very special to visit the Bahá'í holy places with Roc.

Visiting the Bahá'í gardens with his dad.

Happy six months, my love!

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