Roc's almost 18 months old and he's so much fun now! It melts my heart. It is hard to believe he really isn't a baby anymore, even though he still nurses twice a day.
Pure joy |
He has learned that when we cross our arms, it is time to pray. At night when he is ready for bed, he sits next to us and gestures at us, then crosses his arms. This is his way of saying that it is time for the bedtime routine. Last night he started emptying his laundry hamper to find his pajamas, brought them to us and then started with the arm crossing. "Hey parents, it is bed time. I'm tired. Help me out!" Of course, he does not actually say this but his communication skills are rapidly improving and often very clear.
Last weekend we went to the zoo and brought one of his books with farm animals in it. When we got to the area of the zoo with the farm animals, we got out this book. He quickly started going through his book to find the corresponding animal (horse, cow, pig, chicken, goat, sheep, etc.). Each time we got to a new animal, he would go to the stroller to find the book and start looking for the animal. He makes connections so quickly now and I find it so impressive (I think it is because I really have very little experience with this age group that I have no idea what to expect).
Finding the animal in his book |
He makes these type of connections with everything - if there is a picture of the sun, he will go find his pillow with the sun or point out the window (to indicate the location of the sun in the sky) or find another book with the sun in it. If it is a snail, bird, cloud, moon or any other object that he knows, he will do the same.
Riding the snail at the zoo. |
Saying "hola" to the monkey. |
He understands almost everything we say - both Catalan and English but hasn't begun to speak much yet. There are a few words here and there but consistently we only hear "hola" which can change its definition at any moment to mean whatever he wants it to mean.
Of course now that he is approaching toddlerhood, we are experiencing the less fun parts as well, chiefly, meltdowns and disobedience. Every day he tests the limits and we feel encouraged when he listens and obeys. One of our main challenges with him is food throwing and hitting/scratching us. He mainly throws food when he is tired, bored, full or when he doesn't like what he has been offered to eat. We experiment with different consequences such as taking the plate away from him and ending the meal if the behavior continues. We are trying to help him learn how to communicate these things in constructive ways like handing his spoon, fork or plate to us as an indicator that he is finished. Sometimes he takes off his bib to indicate this, but other times he takes it off because it is bothering him so it is not always clear.
We are not looking forward to the 18 month sleep regression which should soon be upon us. He still doesn't sleep well, usually waking at least once at night and then waking up extremely early (between 6 a.m. -7 a.m.). Until just last week, he was waking multiple times a night with intense hunger. He would eat a whole yogurt, fruit or left overs around 3 a.m. before being able to sleep again. For many days, if not weeks, we tried everything but feeding him only to realize that what was happening was hunger. Thankfully it seems we have passed that stage (fingers crossed).
Playtime with grandma |